No, the Manx Mafia didn't didn't kidnap me and cut off my pinkies re my Tony Soprano banking in the Isle of Man post, that was not the reason for my absence. No, it was all self inflicted. Fridays are our night out around Ramsey. It all started quite innocently as always with a few drinks in the Swan, but of course it never stays that way. A few became a pub crawl if i remeber or as much as i can recall, taking in the Plough, and Bar Logo, finishing off with the obligatory bad food( by that i mean junk) before falling into a taxi, into the house and straight to bed. Blogging was the last thing i was capable of doing. Suffice to say a relatively good night was had by all and i have the lovely bruise on my knee where i fell off my high heels as a momento.
For anyone coming to the island to visit, looking for an alternative to Douglas can I recommend the Ramsey pub scene. The good thing about Ramsey is all the pubs are very close together, so you can have a pub crawl literally my walking along the high street and harbour. For karaoke try the Stanley. You won't need directions you will hear the songs being murdered long before you see the pub. The other good thing is we have real pubs, not chains or wine bars, which makes for an interesting night for strangers as each pub has a unique atmosphere. Also we have a good age range out, so not just full of kids. Mind you as the Police Staion is a few yards from the main pubs this could be why.
Pic today is Dierdrie the lizard. Ain't she pretty? Ok, pretty perhaps to strong, but she is certainly photographic and posed nicely. Dierdre can be found at the Wildlife Park and is a big hit with kids. In fact this was a pic i took when i accompanied one of the local schools on a outing there as the photographer.
A link for some very odd, fuuny, serious, stange new stories is Somtirtha. Try it it's a good blog i happened upon.
So, is anyone coming here for the TT? If so and you see a little mad woman with a camera, who might use the name Babooshka, looking slightly hungover, clinging a black coffee and securing her spot to take pics er that would be me.
Must be hungover!
nteresting and vivid descrption of pubs!! Very very nice...And the photo??Exclusive as before. Actually, I dont love lizard but your photo has bound me to love that one.
I dont know how to thank you as you have mentioned my name in your blog!!! I am feeling deeply honoured!!!
One more thing,babooshka, My name is Somtirtha(You have written in your blog and link "Somirtha")...I know its a bit complex name.Actually it is an indian female name means "Holy place in the moon"...
Loads of thanks, ma'm....
Please ma'm try this...
I am truly eager to know your views...
A thousand apologisies Somtirtha I have written the name now correctly.
How cute.
Not a issue Babooshka!!You've mentioned my name that is more than enough for me...rather I am indebted you...no question of apology from your side,friend...
You didn't end up in Fightlife then? :) Probably a good thing...
It's "shitelife" not nightlife or fightlife.
Funny blog Babooshka, really quality images.
Shitelife, figthlife both correct. Both comments have inspired my latest blog post.
Shite life should have been put down years ago.
Like the lizard.
Expat of Ramsey.
OMG, you made me laugh out loud and thump my desk! I felt as though I was on the "crawl" with you and I've been known to fall out of my stilleto's a time or two as well!
Love your pic's....stunning!
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