As a nubie blogger the Meme game is a new phenomena to me. When I was recently tagged(not at all painful) I thought I had better check this neme lark out. Quite a harmless online game of tic/your'e it/tig that has several different formats. This particular one being meme your memoir in 6 words. Not at all easy for someone like me, who uses far too many. Ahem.
So the rules(I am not good with rules)
- Write your own six word memoir.
- Post it on your blog; include a visual illustration if you'd like.
- Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible.
- Tag at least five more blogs with links.
- Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
to name one of his many interesting and varied blogs.
Receivers of the Meme
1.For her wonderful book reviews, a true wordsmith, this will amuse her APLOMB
2.For lovingly written music reviews that shoud be read JAMJARSUPERSTAR
3For constantly pushing herself in the running world and getting my humour LILY
4.For being a blogger amongst bloggers with some really good insights into life FAIZAL
5.For very individual scary photography, and wittty posts TOM FOOLERY
So receivers, it's not compulsary. Ignore, play along, forget about or dither, over to you. I'm going to suggest at least one of you may have previously done one of these and is probaly getting very bored with them now.
Oh Mine. I was hoping you'd let me get away with it.
"Perpetually confused being a cynical optimist"
Tomorrow of course it would be six entirely different words, for tomorrow is another day. Five words.
I don't recognise the Bikers.Do you know who they are?
I've done the "six word epitath"
Ooh, thanx so much for linking me with the meme... but I can't write a 6 word memoir! It's far too difficult for someone who has trouble sometimes finding a way to be very concise. When I think of a way to do it, I'll put it up, don't worry.
That might be a while though... lol
Great memoir--a cynical optimist--me too!
I'll be waiting for the five word one tomorrow.
Babooshka. Thanks for commenting on my blog and thanks a lot for supporting me in improving my blog. Thanks a lot again. I really appreciate it.
Have a nice day my friend.
I have one question, but quite personal, are you married? It's okay if don't want to answer it.
Opss, forget one thing, this meme looks so cool. I will try it soon. Thanks again for the tag. :)
a cynical optimist - yeah I can relate to that - I think - the link to Aplomb doesn't work - the one in your sidebar doesn't either and it looks more like a case of a dead blog than a mistyped URL.
thanks for taking part in this meme - I don't do them often.
What a neat blog you have .. I also looked at your Ramsey shots .. quite fun and good photos
Thanks for visiting me!
Heloo Dawlink,
Hope you are doing well and don't have too many tyre tracks over your blog advertising t-shirt nor have you fallen over off your stilleto's.....
take great care, we miss the perpetually confused cynical optimist....return soon!!!
Haha, that's great - I love the 6 words you choose! :)
What fun - had to smile - the meme game is part of blogland.
You did well!
Excellent meme. And Excellent follow-up comment. Tomorrow IS also a day.
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