Wednesday, 9 April 2008


I'm on the bus, minding my own business, got the ipod on, staring into a faceless void of coastal sea when it happens. Do my eyes deceive me or is that the Ramsey to Douglas tram train I see along side of us. I do believe it is. Oh Happy Day!Joy To The World! Hallelujah, Praise the .... Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! it's stopping at Laxey.

So, almost, not quite a monumental day, the Boo a happy bunny. I could have shown you pictures of it in Ramsey, with Mrs H. Brew and the grandkids. I could have have taken photographs from the train, as it cuts through the mountains. As it takes in those little one horse towns, fights it's way through the hammer horror rolling mist, passing the escaped wallaby(you never know), I could have been a contender..... Oh that's going off at a decidedly different tangent.

Manx Electric Railway, bunch of numpties.Are you trying to kill the town off altogether.We have tourist too. We still have the odd larger sized business.The excuse that this particular stretch of the track, (conveniently) is suddenly a sad state of affairs, and needs urgent repairs, year long repairs is just bull. It's not the Forth Bridge, it's a Thomas The Tank Engine, baby sized railtrack.It's a month tops, now sort it.

Rant done. The pic was last april, and the lovely pink buliding is the Police Station. It's a drab cream now. I do miss the baby pink toytown station, such a calming effect on criminals.

Doing hard labour, back on the chain gang, along the laxey part of the railway.


MisterZyl said...

when I saw again all those pictures you have, I feel like there are a lot of beautiful places, spots and scenery at your country.

And the purple effect seems to appear so frequently in your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Should have kept it pink

Lily on the Road said...

okay, now visiting you and IOM are on my "to do" list. One of these days I will come to looks just too lovely to miss!

laxeylass said...

The tram is too slow anyway.It will syop the tourists going to Ramsey.Shame.Really pretty all pink and stuff.

Jane Hards Photography said...
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Anonymous said...

Pretty in pink.

Olivier said...

chez "Purple Haze" même les maisons sont violettes ;o). Belle lumière sur cette photo. Bon Weekend

In "Purple Haze" even houses are purple ;o). magnificent light of this picture. Good Weekend

Kyanite said...

Hi again!

I've ridden that train to Laxey & on...
When I did I remember it wasn't just tourists doing the holiday thing like me.
Start a campaign, get the work done, I want it to be there, as visiting your blogs is going to get me fired up to re-visit, it's been far too long.

Have a good w/e!

coffeecup said...

What a pity they painted it! I wonder what the crims thought being taken down to a pink nick? Don't bend down in your cell boys!

Brilliant photo. Fabulous blog too!

SandyCarlson said...

This is one spirited blog! I like it very much. Did you ever try again with Skywatch? You enter your name and the and it should be good. I'd suggest leaving a comment for Tom if you have trouble. He's a great host and a kind person.

Thanks for stopping by Strange Attractions. I would love to see that graffito and will scroll down to look for it. God bless.