It always amazes me in the Uk how we/they (bit confusing living on an island, identity crisis) are constantly surprised when it snows in winter. Yes it snows, because of where the UK is positioned in the Nothern Hemisphere. It's basic geography, not complex now get a (snow) grip. So why the constant gasps and worse the lack of gritters on the roads, salted areas and plan of action in place before we get the pretty damp white stuff! Why am I banging on about this? No reason apart form a vague connection to my real gripe today, Island supplies during TT.
Blah Blah, the TT for those that don't know is the oldest motorbike Road Races in the world. They take part here. This means this tiny island swells to giantic visiting human proportions. Sadly however island supplies don't. Like the snow, the TT occurs each year. So why aren't we prepared. Suddenly the supermarkets become like a war torn outpost. Locals buying 10 loaves of bread a time on day one. It 's only for a bloody week. As for home delivery, no chance. That would involve using the roads that the TT doesn't. Again not complicated, you don't need sat/nav, it's the opposing roads to the ones used, you dummies, ie not the Mountain road. So Shoprite I had better find full shelves tomorrrow or else you are getting it with both (blog) barrels.
The TT has eaten shot and left. That then, inhabitants of bloggosphere out there( we all know I'm out there!) has been the absence of malice(oh smug of smugness, but was puntastic.) of the hazy purple one who is now running up that hill at full throttle.
Another poorly siskin for your viewing pleasure.
Last seen trying to hitch a lift off the island and move to a country that does not have a food supply problem.
It's only one week a year (well, maybe two with the MGP, or more if the weather is bad and the ferries don't run).
As far as I can tell, you've had a safe TT, with no deaths that I am aware of, and we've had some nice pictures from Babooshka that we didn't have last (or, at least, I didn't know about them last year).
I bet the birds on the mainland don't sit on people's fingers; well, maybe they would if Babooshka was on the mainland.
No-one's prepared! It's like all the floods - they happen somewhere every year and yet they don't have any defences in place! What's the point, we may as well just sit back and enjoy the floods.
Still, not having enough supplies for everyone seems a bit strange.
Heh, lol, nice bit of Kate Bush at the end. Heehee
What a sweet picture
Oh to be proactive, rather than reactive, but isn't that how the world goes, human nature being what it is! Maybe next year it will work out better.
Me though, I am still getting over the scare of your mention the 's' word; snow, for we had a terrible amount of it this past winter season and I can never be prepared for tht much.
When I lived in Cairo many years ago it rained the same time every year and reduced the entire city to a standstill. What is this wet stuff! What on earth shall we do! Now I live in Britanny and we have the same reaciton to snow! What Snow! But it never snows here! Oh my now you tell me the Isle of Man has the same disease! Seems the same the world over then ,a certifiable case of annual short term memory loss meteological or mechanical its the same syndrome alas! Somethings never change.
Your photo's are just exquisite.. Love this little bird...
Come join my Cafe' Monday at Mukilteo View if you like!
I'd love to see what coffee is brewing with you!
Oh what a beautiful photo!
I used to live on an island off Kent and in the summer the population doubles to about 70,000- with holidaymakers coming from all over (God alone knows why!) to stay in caravans and lodges all around the edge (sorry I can't bring myself to call it a coast, it's too small. LOL!) and then the food disappears!!! It's just like you said- people take huge trolleys of food. We poor inhabitants wander into town to get bread and milk, and all the shelves are stripped bare!!!
Where do they put it all? They're in caravans for crying out loud!
Thanks for the visit and your kind comments!
woohoo, a fellow blogger on the same isle! And the delightful photo - mine came out far more blurred, but a little birdie came and perched just like that on my own hand the other month.. grin.
A friend spotted your site, so glad she pointed me towards it.
Lovely birdy shot. That green made me happy. I liked your random musings about snow and motorcycles. They seem to be related issues...somehow.
How special - great capture!
hi,...very nice pic indeed...
I appreciate your comments. They mean a lot coming from someone who really knows what they're doing. Thank you.
Wow...what a gorgeous picture for a header!
This is a very sweet and poetic image!
What a beautiful photo, how on earth did you get the bird on your hand?
I would evade if not avoid the invasion by letting someone rent my place for the event and go on a trip to a quiet place. Puntastic, indeed! ;)
What a great photo. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my camera critters photos.
I love the picture on top of the blog.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Photos are important but I haven't figured out how to do those yet. The newbie in my title is mEEEEEE.
Snow surprised the cardrivers, yes it happens every year. You should be prepared for snow and TT by now but I guess it´s more fun to be unprepared. Life is not so boring then.
that little creature on your finger looks sooooooooooo cute.. a nice cute birdie... i do wish i will have one someday on my fingers too... i just admire that this creatures can go anywhere they want too without expensive fuel fees.. *wink* you know that i mean..
thanks for the visit and comment into my page..
happy weekend...
You take such beautiful pictures! I really love the one in your header. Gorgeous! Hope you have a fabulous week! God bless.
Birds, I love them. What a cute siskin photo! I've been to your stretch of the woods on holiday, many, many years ago. There was a big storm and the ferry trip was very interesting. Almost everyone was green, and not in the environmental way! Then the weather was very hot, at least compared to the west of Scotland, and my sister got heatstroke. I liked the place though!
A beautiful picture so vulnerable.
LOL at the comparison to being ready for snow and the TT race. I now live somewhere that gets real snow, feet of it and life just continues as normal pretty much.
Thanks for dropping in to see me
It is like that in the United States too. People are so funny! Did the car company, Audi, name it's car TT after you guys? Hope your day is wonderful!
Reading your comments I realized that goverments around the world are pretty much the same: they are just promising and talking....and doing nothing!
what a sweet bird picture
nice capture!!!what a cute bird...
What an adorable bird thanks for dropping by.
lovely pics!!
esp the shown n the flowers.. very dramatic.. will keep visiting!
Great capture!
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