Euromanx, the sorry excuse of a flight company ceased being as of last friday. Claiming high rises in fuel charges and mounting debts as the main reasons. Duh! Who hasn't been affected by rising fuel costs. Perleeeze spare me the sob story. Bad manangement, as usual is the likely culprit. The famous Manx procrastination, or as they so quaintly term it "time enough" came to the fore yet again. Sticking your head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich, and neglecting to pay the other businesses Euromanx were dealing with was always going to result in the collapse of this shoddy outfit anyway. Good riddance to a complete waste of (air) space. My thoughts are with the poor buggers who duly turned up for work , to be shown the door. No prior warning given. It takes forever to get another job on the island. The very least they could of done was forewarn the staff of the likely outcome!
Going off at yet another tangent( non sequeters and typos at the ready Lola,
LOLA LIFE you are quite right) brings me to Ramsey Swimming Pool. Yes we do have some form of entertainment, besides pubs( the ratio of pubs to residents is disproportionaDte), well we do at the moment. We presently have a perfectly good swimming baths and large cheap and cheerful cafe. A unobtrusive building tucked away at the far side of town, accessible to all, adequate parking prime location overlooking the sea. Why the hell then are they tearing it down to build another one!
We need and requested a cimema. Obviously the typo went through that we need a new swimming pool. Where then is this to be? Demolish the old and rebuild because it's the perfect location. Oh no, that would be sensible. No the new shiny sterile building is to be built next to residential flats over the bridge. Why is this a problem. A whole host of reasons. Lack of parking, it's a residential area it's going to disturb the migrating birds and the clincher it's over the bridge. You're not getting this are you? You think the Boo has finally lost all rhyme and reason of the plot banging on and rocking backwards and forwards, dribbling and repeating obsessively it's over the bridge.
The reason it's the worst idea in the world(ok there are some marginally worse ones) is that this is the bridge that at ceratin times of the day cannot be accesed. It's called the Ramsey Swing bridge for a reason. It swings out to let the tall ships and boats through about 4 times a day, thus preventing car/pedestrian access at these times for up to 30mins. So bang goes the kiddies swimming lessons for starters. Also the early morning workers swim, the ladies early swim. Don't even get me started on the poor old dears who can just about struggle to waddle to the baths now. Don't think they want to be huddled on a bridge for the 30 mins in the bracing winds and high tides. Disabled access anyone? Wheelchairs can do without the extra hike and the indignity of being stuck on the bridge for eons at at time. Not everyone wants or is capable of going the long away round, through town and over the main road with traffic lights that are a law until themselves. Accidents will happen, and I will say I told you so.
Ooh that was good. Dying to do this one but I have had laptop woes that have prevented me monopolizing anyones pc to do the mega rant. Back on track now, so this demonic blog will continue apace.
The photo is of the cheeky cat who came looking for birds a few weeks ago. He found a jug of coldwater instead and hasn't been back since.
Last seen heading out of town, rather than be stuck on the bridge trying to decipher what the cryptic traffic lights are trying to signal. Why did the wallaby cross the road? To go swimming of course.